Friday 28 October 2011

Could never be mine……

My life was a wreck I was always depressed and out of shape. Today was my first day of school for medical lab tech assistant.
As I walked in the building I was asking the receptionist where my class was being held and then I seen her. She was walking out of class and she smiled at me and asked if I was in medical lab. I said yes.
CI didn’t think much of her at first when I first seen her. All I knew she that she was thin and had a nice smile. As the months went by this girl began to grow on me.
I never even realized that every time I would think about her it would make me feel happy. To me this was weird because I never felt this way about anyone. I guess you can say this girl was my first real crush.
We went out of couple of times to the clubs and all I could do was look at her as thou she was the only person there. We flirted a lot and she made me feel invincible. I felt so happy and I began working out and had zero fear of anything it felt great.
I was in a bad situation and shouldn’t of gotten involved with her because she had a BF. I then began to feel the pain when she knew that what we both were doing was wrong and stop looking at me the way she once did. She chose her BF over me and I was crushed by it. I then went back into my depression and felt hopeless. It’s been 2 years since I last seen her in person and yet I cant get her outta my mind. I know it sounds wrong but I am waiting for her to break up so I can be with her. I just want her to be happy even if it’s not with me. I am now a Christian and God has given me a new insight of happiness. I am writing this to be done with it. I can’t let this hold me back any longer. If I ever do meeting her again I will let you know. Good day..

Monday 25 July 2011


Let’s face it – we’ve all had our share of embarrassing moments. Just be thankful that none of them were as humiliating (and hilarious!) as these:
“A mother was taking a shower when her2 year old son came into the bathroom and wrapped himself in toilet paper. Although he made a mess, he looked adorable, so she ran for my camera and took a few shots. They came out so well that she had copies made and included one with each of their Christmas cards. Days later, a relative called about the picture, laughing hysterically, and suggesting that she take a closer look. Puzzled, the mother stared at the photo and was shocked to discover that in addition to her son, she had captured her reflection in the mirror wearing nothing but a camera!”
“A woman and her sister were at the mall and passed by a store that sold a variety of nuts. As they were looking at the display case, the boy behind the counter asked if they needed any help. The woman replied, “No, I’m just looking at your nuts.” The sister started to laugh hysterically, the boy grinned, and she turned beet red and walked away.”
“A lady picked up several items at a discount store. When she finally got up to the checker, she learned that one of her items had no price tag. Imagine her embarrassment when the checker got on the intercom and boomed out for the entire store to hear, ‘PRICE CHECK ON LANE THIRTEEN, TAMPAX, SUPER SIZE.” That was bad enough, but somebody at the rear of the store apparently misunderstood the word ‘Tampax’ for ‘THUMBTACKS.’ In a businesslike tone, a voice boomed back over the intercom: ‘DO YOU WANT THE KIND YOU PUSH IN WITH YOUR THUMB OR THE KIND YOU POUND IN WITH A HAMMER?’
An introvert went to bar and spots a pretty looking woman sitting on the stool. He mustered all his courage for long time, then timidly approached and asked her, “Ma’ am, would be OK if sit here and talk with you?” She was alert, suspecting this man, and responds by yelling, “No, I won’t sleep with you tonight!” Customers in the bar started staring at them. The embarrassed guy quickly returns to his table dejected and ashamed. The young woman waits a little and then goes to the guy to apologize. With a smile on her face she says, “I am sorry if I embarrassed you. You see, I am a college student in psychiatry and I am putting together a thesis as to how people react to embarrassing moments.” The cunning guy now yells loudly, “What do you mean by $500?”

Saturday 16 July 2011


Art, Clothing, and Fashion; when talking about fashion it is hard not to discuss clothing; and when speaking about clothes, it is hard to omit the influence of art. Thus, these three words go hand in hand to give meaning to each other. Art, clothing, and fashion influence each other and provide basis for us to understand each one. Anyone who has ever visited an art show or art museum can easily see that art comes in various forms. Art ranges from an oil painting hanging on the wall to a statue made out of diamonds. In the same way, fashion may be presented through different clothing each falling in different categories like; evening, gala, night, beach wear, etc.
Well fashion does not coordinate only towards clothing. We also have hair styles, make up, music and now a days even underwear. Each of these depends on the type of clothing chosen. Nevertheless in each category art is present and this criterion has been a debate argued for decades.
Let me first make clear that the fashion to which I am referring is high fashion. It isn’t the sort of fashion meant for high street consumption, made by machines and propelled by mass production. The fashion I refer to is made through a creative process involving inspiration, vision, presentation, and a need by the designer to express a message through his or her chosen art form. I don’t believe a t-shirt is made in this manner.
Secondly, what is art? Well this is probably the oldest question in cultural life. I’ve always been interested in the process of making a work of art – the act of creating and how the artist feels the need to communicate through art. So early on I defined art as any act of creation intended to convey a message through a process and/or a finished work. But how does fashion fit into this definition I hear you ask?
Fashion is a creative process that results in a finished garment. Fashion has always borrowed from other art forms whether they are textile patterns of ancient cultures or sport. Taking these insights, designers recreate a new language of art in the form of an item of clothing. They are artists working within the medium of cloth.As my now infamous lecturer stated, throughout history art’s role has been to reflect the society in which it was created. Likewise, fashion is indicative of the era in which it exists. Images from historical art utilized clothing to assist in the narrative, conveying a message to the viewer. I can’t imagine Van Dyck’s ornate portraits without those epic, layered fabrics and costumes indicating social position; or the Angelic Musicians in his Ghent Altarpiece wear robes that could easily have been worn on last seasons Italian style Gucci models. His was a study in fashion as much as pose and painterly techniques. Fashion was essential within his artistic narrative.

Something interesting is the recent exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York entitled “Bravehearts: Men In Skirts” examined the skirt as a male equipment throughout history. Hip-hop and other modern clothes – which wouldn’t actually be considered skirts – also showed evidence of the outfit. Such multi-cultural references directly reflect our modern and ever changing society in the West. Fashion, then, is an interactive art form where the wearer is an essential element of the art.


Technology is the thing which is enhancing day by day and providing people with many facilities and amusing them.A technology essay is actually a science essay that deals with the technology behind many scientific inventions. It may be written in different various forms. It may be written in a general form discussing how technology affects one’s life. It may also be written giving a detailed report of various developments in the field of technology. A specific example may be taken and dwelt upon and details given as to how it works, what are its functions, what are the benefits of using the product and what are the harmful side effects. As for example one can discuss about the Internet or broadband. one may also write on the latest technologies that are making waves like nanotechnology. Since this a science related topic it will in all probability be asked to follow the APA research paper outline format. The language like for any other academic essay writing has to be simple and free flowing with no grammatical or spelling error, what so ever. Though a technology essay is mainly an informative type of paper, the writer’s own views and opinions supported by various evidences can also be presented. The essay will consist of an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. The language will have to be clear, simple, precise and to the point. Data given should be well researched and correct and no discrepancies should be present what so ever. The views, opinions and arguments presented must be correct , logical and always supported by reliable and convincing evidences.Writing a technology essay is not a difficult job provided you are well versed with the topic and technology in question. Always choose a topic that you have some amount of knowledge on. Research well on the topic so that your paper is well written and has all the information that your teacher is looking for. Check out the various essay examples and sample essays on this topic to get good ideas. For further assistance you will have to place an order with and get a premium custom essay in no time.


In the modern age the most important role that is being played is by media. It can be denied that media is just giving importance to democracy, it keeps the man aware off all the news of the world at a single time. Through various mediums of media whether it is radio, television, newspaper or internet, we are able to connect with large number of people around us. Especially internet has truly become the need of every individual both for our work and to connect with our friends and well wishers.Besides connecting with our friends, media also informs us about the world happenings. In one line I can say that media is like a mirror of the society which reflect each and everything about the society to us. Media people from television and print takes the risk of their lives to inform us about important news.But media is not just confine to informing us about the world happenings and serving a means to connect with people, in fact it also affects out thinking patterns as well. The way we think and perceive various issues about the world is also shaped up by media. Today everyone especially youth is growing so aware about his responsibilities towards society is because of media. If we just look around then we would find that there is no aspect of our life which is not touched and affected by media. Be it our work, relationships, education or entertainment, media is seen everywhere.Role of media especially electronic media has increased prominently in bringing awareness in the society. And the strategies which they use...Hence, Media now a days is playing an important role and is must be assumed...!


God has given human beings the boon of wisdom and discretion to think upon the signs of the universe and to draw conclusions. That is the reason why they disclose the hidden facts of it and its structure and have made remarkable progress in many walks of life. Children are the flowers of heaven. They are the most beautiful and purest creation of God. They are innocent both inwardly and outwardly. No doubt, they are the beauty of this world. Early in the morning when the children put on different kinds of clothes and begin to go to schools for the sake of knowledge, we feel a specific kind of joy through their innocence.
But there are also other children, those who cannot go to schools due to financial problems, they only watch others go to schools and can merely wish to seek knowledge.It is due to many hindrances and difficulties; desperate conditions that they face in life. Having been forced to kill their aspirations, dreams and other wishes, they are pressed to earn a living for themselves and for their families. It is also a fact that there are many children who play a key role in sustaining the economically life of their family without which, their families would not be able to make ends meet.  The major point is that this decision must be acted upon at all levels. There is strict need to stop child Labour in this country. Awareness must be raised and the attention of parents ought to be diverted to the education of their children. Child Labour Laws should be put into practice strictly. In addition, the educational system of the country-must be reshaped and restructured according to national development goals. The orphans and other deserving children must be helped financially on a prolonged basis. It is also essential to eliminate child Labour from the country, that the political, economical and social system of the country are need to be reshaped and such steps taken that make child Labour in this country a crime. They should bring on the well-being of a lay man, good governance and end to exploitative thinking. If we succeed to act upon these principles, our country can easily get rid of this problem i.e. child Labour. The agreement that has recently been approved by Pakistan, Norway and ILO to eradicate child Labour must be given importance and we hope that our rulers must put this agreement into practice using all means at their disposal.
Child Labour is a complex problem which demands a range of solutions. There is no better way to prevent child Labour than to make education compulsory. The West understood this a long time ago. Laws were enacted very early to secure continued education for working children; and now they have gone a step forward, and required completion of at least the preliminary education of the child before he or she starts work.
. There is strict need to stop child Labour in this country. Awareness must be raised and the attention of parents ought to be diverted to the education of their children. Child Labour Laws should be put into practice strictly. In addition, the educational system of the country-must be reshaped and restructured according to national development goals. The orphans and other deserving children must be helped financially on a prolonged basis. It is also essential to eliminate child Labour from the country, that the political, economical and social system of the country are need to be reshaped and such steps taken that make child Labour in this country a crime. They should bring on the well-being of a lay man, good governance and end to exploitative thinking. If we succeed to act upon these principles, our country can easily get rid of this problem i.e. child Labour. The agreement that has recently been approved by Pakistan, Norway and ILO to eradicate child Labour must be given importance and we hope that our rulers must put this agreement into practice using all means at their disposal.

Saturday 9 July 2011


Sports and games are much essential for the bodily and mentally health...These activities are in accordance with physical health and fitness. Greek were the first people to introduce Marathon race and many other sports...!
Sports has many great impact on the life of a person and these can help in character building as well as in the practical life of the person.They are no less important than food and fresh water. In developed countries games are essential part of education.They admit boys and girls for necessary training to become future athletes.
It does in fact keep kids off the streets, but it also instills lessons that are essential in the life of a student athlete. Sports play a pivotal role in the makeup of a young athlete, especially in the middle school to high school years where student athletes are much more mature and mentally developed. Where else can a young, impressionable youth learn values like discipline, responsibility, self confidence, sacrifice, and accountability? Television, which may be the most influential tool in the lives of young adults, does not show enough of these qualities, nor is it on the Internet, or radio. Rather it is up to the parents, teachers, sports teams, clubs, and after school programs to help mold, develop, and instill these qualities into the lives of student athletes. I believe in order for this to happen, school sports programs must have a few components in place. The first thing they need is a good core of coaches that understand the great responsibility that is placed upon their shoulders to help shape and prepare these student athletes not only in sports, but in their everyday lives. Yes, I did say coaches, because it is a responsibility that lies on the shoulders of more than one person and it is going to take more than one person to help lead these student athletes to success.
In order to accomplish this it's going to take investment and the most valuable investments are money and time. The more invested, the better the results. I can attest that there is no greater investment than the future of our young student athletes. When these things are in place, I believe student athletes will benefit and the results will be evident not only on the field, but long after they step off of it....!

Tuesday 5 July 2011


Unemployment is the major problem among the people of modern era. Every one finds ways and means to live a prosper and well groomed life...but now a days when their is a condition that employment and jobs is not available for every one that's one even with much talent and qualification isn't in a state of being employed.
Its a true fact that in some countries unemployment is increasing day by day due to the growing population, scarcity of resources, lack of professional education and poor economic and social planning.
Government has taken many steps o overcome unemployment in which availability of easy installment loans, formation of industrial and technical institutions. All these are the major requirements for the people of new era....!
Unemployment should be controlled in a country for the better development of a country, unemployment is like a curse in the modern era where every thing has became expensive and a middle class person can't afford the budget without some sources of income.
There are no positive aspects of unemployment and is really bad for the production of the economy. This means that we are wasting our resources because instead of producing goods and services with them we aren’t doing anything with them. But this isn’t the only effect of unemployment, people’s income will also change and it will cause more poverty. Unemployment also reduces the amount of tax paid to the government which means that the government will be loosing money because since less people are working the government is getting less income tax but with whatever money they get they have to pay all the unemployed people and this is how the government gets into a lot of debt.
So, some special attention must have to be given to the miserable conditions of the country otherwise  the conditions can be more serious and it can weaken the chains of the country....!

Monday 4 July 2011


Competition now a days is most common in every field and occupation... Every one desires to be the best and tries to be better then the other. In every field from the business to the studies there is a competition among people..!
Competition is like a need in the people of modern era, everyone do the best efforts to come in the front line and bring a golden feather in his cap.Compete with other and to win has ow became the purpose of everyone... People struggle to defeat others and gain the attention of others and to get the charm of every one.
Competition somewhere is necessary but some people at every stage of their life wants a competition if not their mind just set a target to defeat any person and try to be more better than others and they from inside they start being  jealous from their heart and they also not know that what they are doing.
To compete with other is natural habit in many people but to make it your hobby is wrong. Competition can be taken at some places in life but not in every place of life.
Competition at some places is necessary as to differ the talented people from others. Competition can give the talented people more chances for achievements and better development in life.
Some competitions must have to be held to separate the cream from milk...!

Saturday 2 July 2011


The character shows the personality and the nature of a person and it allows a person to know that what is the person from inside....!Character is who we really are. It's what we do when no one is looking. It' s the accumulation of thoughts, values, words and actions. These become the habits that comprise our character. That character determines our destiny.

A person of character thinks right and does right according to core universal values that define the qualities of a good person: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. The CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition calls these the Six Pillars of Character. Whatever we call them, though, our role as character developers is to guide young people's thoughts, words, actions and habits toward these values, which all people share, regardless of other differences.

The family is the primary character-building force in a child's life, and character education is a major family obligation. It's a parent's job to help our kids engage the world with as much trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship as possible. This challenge becomes more manageable by taking a simple approach and involving the full
community in sending a common message about the standards of good character.

A good character simply lead to a good life... The life is without any complications and confusions if your attitude and behavior is good and fascinating towards all people... Hence, a good character matters a  lot in the daily personal as well as in social life. 

Your character makes your respect in the society and among the people and protects you from rudeness and the strict form of life in all conditions.......!

Friday 1 July 2011


A Lonely night has a silent impact on the life of a person. It has nothing in it except the loneliness and the quietness of the dark and hidden illusions and the dark and black sadness....!
Lonely night is a word which explains that how much painful or grieved the condition is. The person using the poetical word is full of sorrows . The heart of that person is empty and quiet as the emptiness and quietness of the night. In lonely night, every moment is the own. The sorrow, happiness or what ever the condition of the heart...
The person has to handle it by its own. The desires that may be not come true or may be that which haven't existed yet, come in the mind of the person...!
As lonely night is itself lonely, So, the loneliness of an alone person is beard only by an alone thing.
Lonely person have to to manage just only himself and his own desires. The person that is alone speaks with his own mind and come to know about himself....
Thus, a lonely indicates the sorrowfulness and the emptiness of the heart of a Alone Person...In such a night a person deals with  HIS own self, and the calmness and peace allows the person to be mentally relaxed...!
A Lonely Night in real has nothing except the dark illusions for some people with the hard miseries or which want to know alone... What They Are....!  

Wednesday 29 June 2011


The word talent' used today to denote the capacity of achievement or success and or ability in the ancient world. So in simple words, we can say that a talent is something which is very valuable and more then anything in the world.
Talent is present in every person and just need some time and some Determination is something that most people use as a reason for their accomplishments. The only source that you can get from determination is the ability to focus. It helps you to focus, but it does not help you to perform. As for having a natural talent, even if you lack of determination you are still able to function or to perform. Because in reality no matter how undetermined you are, none of that really matter when you are performing. To be able to function is really the way to accomplish goals such as having to have success in life.
Talent is naturally present in every person just the need is to compel that hidden talent from a person....In the life someone, somehow find means to show the hidden abilities present in the person...! Just the right guideline, and proper time is needed for the purpose...!
Now a days, this is modern age and the people are steeping forward as a marathon race and each person must have to struggle for his rights and success in life...So, one should be aware of his hidden talents and must avail the chances in life as time and chances never wait for anyone....!

Tuesday 28 June 2011


Culture is a kind of relationship between the people of an specific area and the type of their environment with their religion and their social behavior....!
Culture exists in every society. It is the specific learned norms based on attitudes, values and beliefs. Culture is often based on long standing traditions that have been passed from elders to the younger generation. It can be evolved through societal and religious influences. Changing culture, though difficult, can be done through choice or imposition. When culture are isolated they tend to stabilize and change is slow or ceases.
Culture not only influences daily life but also effects business transactions that take place in that community. Because culture can vary from country to country and even area to area doing business in a foreign country can cause complications for even the best of business managers. The culture of the country a company does business in can and will effect many of the business decisions that the company has to make. Cultural attitudes towards the importance of work vary from country to country and impact the management styles, product demand and levels of economic development. The reasons why people work and how hard they work changes from area to area. Some work harder than they need to make more money to purchase luxuries that are sought in that culture...!
Language, both silent and vocal, reflect the environment of the society. Language in itself is a unifying force. Translating a language into another can be difficult because of varying environmental factors. Words in different cultures also may have different meanings, so a phrase that is socially acceptable in one culture would be unacceptable in it's translation to another culture...!
A culture of a society  influence the habits and the lifestyle a lot...In fact, the culture of a specific area, in which a person is living shouldn't be forgot in any way...!
It is the culture of the society that tends the person to keep pace with the society and to teach  the person good manners...!

Monday 27 June 2011


At the present age, every one is being in touched with computer and internet.It is the major need and the basic necessity of the people living in the modern age....
Nowadays almost everyone have contact with computers. A great part of them has been using international computer’s net known as Internet.
Using internet has more advantages then disadvantages. First of all, Internet provides access to a lot of information. Some of them are very daily life as well and  helps in your hobby. Searching the net with Google, you can find everything you want. You can also do shopping using Internet. Of course it has no sense to buying a roll, but if you need something inaccessible, you will be able to buy it in Internet shop. You need only to select what you want, fill in some forms and click.In a few days you will get what you have ordered directly to your home, without going anywhere. You can pay with your credit card, pay postman when you get the package, or transfer money from your bank account. Nowadays almost every bigger bank offers transferring money via Internet. It is more faster then going to the bank and filling blankets. Transferring money in traditional way takes about a day, using Internet you can do this in few seconds even in Saturday and Sunday evenings. What’s more internet banks give you insurance against unauthorized transaction. Some people thinks that their money can by easily stolen by hackers....!
Internet has covered the distances from miles into seconds... It is a great facility indeed and has immense effect on people.
Internet has also many disadvantages as well the students spend much time on net except to spent their time on their studies...Students time management must includes Time For Internet...!Latest chatting sites and songs, movies have disturbed their schedule...Internet usage is now a days is used as a hobby and time wasters misuse it a lot...!
Next advantage of internet is email. Internet mails get in a few seconds in their destinations. It is very important when you want to send something for example to Australia. Of course you can send not only texts. You can email whatever you want, movies, photos, computer programs etc. Costs are very important advantage of emails....!
Everything has benefits as well as harms and it totally depends up to users how to consume the great ability, and a God gifted blessing....!

Friday 24 June 2011


Time is a circle, bending back on itself. The world repeats itself, precisely, endlessly.For the most part people don't know they will live their lives over. Traders do not know that they will make the same bargain again and again. Politicians do not know that they will shout from the same lectern an infinite number of times in the cycles of time...!
Parents treasure the first laugh from their child as if they will not here it again. In this world, time is like a floe of water, occasionally displaced by a bit of debris, a passing breeze.
Now and then, some cosmic disturbance will cause a rivulet of time to turn away from the mainstream, to make connection back stream....!
There is a place where times stands still. Rain drops hangs motionless in air. Pendulums of clocks float mid swing,as a traveler approaches this place from any direction, he moves more and more slowly...!
In the world time is circular its people fated to repeat triumph and trial over and over other, men and women tried to capture time which appear as a nightingale in a bell jar, in yet, there isn't other time only frozen moments .... All the visions gently probes the essence of time, the adventure of creativity, the glory of possibility and the beauty of world....!
In this world time is a local phenomenon two clocks close together tick at nearly  the same rate. But clocks separated by distance, tick at different rates the farther apart the more out of step. What holds true for clocks holds true for the rate of heartbeats, the pace of inhales and exhales, the movement of wind in tall grass.In this world time flows  at different speeds in different locations....!
In fact, time is worthless and it neither cares for anyone nor stops for anyone. The privilege and beauty of a person's life is dependable of the consumption of time...!If a man can destroy time so, time as well can destroy man...!

Thursday 23 June 2011


Fate of person cannot be determined by the type of life and the deeds which are being done by him but in fact, a man makes its own fate....!
By hook or crook the person struggles for his well groomed life now after his hard work it is the FATE that decides that what will happen next and the fate of a person is not determined. We believe that we are completely free to do what ever we want and that we alone create our destiny, or are we fated to follow some decided path and no matter what we do we are predestined to live out our life according to someone's plan? Now maybe the bigger question is how do we justify which way is right and which is wrong. I believe that each person develops their own opinion through personal encounters and experiences, and the only correct path is the one that the person believes in and lets that person live their life to its fullest. 

The people who truly believe in the whole concept of fate are the ones who have it easy. They can look at any situation and say that the outcome, whatever it may be, is because of fate and was meant to be. These are the people who can go skydiving with no fear because they believe that if it is their fate to live, great, if it's their fate to die, well hell it was meant to be. They take the responsibility of their life out of their own hands and put it into the hands of a mystic force called fate. Now that is one hell of a concept. Personally, if I 'm going to do something crazy and stupid, I will be sure all the proper precautions are taken and not count on fate to handle all the details. 

 fate as a “ a power thought to control all events and impossible to resist” This would imply that fate has an over whelming power over the mind. This thing called fate is able to control a person and that person has no ability to change it. 
Its been proven time and time again that the human mind can over come any obstacle. An asset to the mind is a persons will. With the combination of a person’s mind and their will to decide their destiny this thing called fate can be over come. 
Hence, fate of a person can't be changed or not even be foretold some predictions about the fate can be true but sometimes just illusions....!

Monday 20 June 2011


Executive decision means that the decision of the person must be worthy and it should not only give benefit to the person but also to the other people.... The decision should be reliable and everlasting...For making an executive decision a real and critical thinking must be undergone...! Critical thinking and decision making go hand in hand to enable us to evaluate a situation, process the information and determine a course of action.Both personally and professionally, we make decisions everyday.....!
 Determining what to wear to work, which route to take to get there and even what foods we will eat are all decisions that have an impact on our lives. From a professional perspective, decision making is a key part of our jobs. Making the decision to hire or fire someone, whether or not to give someone an important project and deciding if we should launch a new product line, all impact our working lives and relationships in our organization. Decision making is defined as "the act of deciding between two or more alternative courses of action."Being a good decision maker causes others to trust our abilities, whereas the opposite is true if we tend to make decisions hastily without carefully considering the ramifications of those decisions and their impacts across functional units....
Decision making point starts when a person grows up, growing up means making my own decision. In my childhood, whenever I was put in a difficult situation or had trouble making up my mind, I turned to my parents for advice without exception. However, with time going by, I grow up and have to cope with my own personal affairs. On the one hand, I am granted more freedom to handle matters in my own ways. On the other hand, I also have to take responsibility for the consequences of my decisions. Well goes a saying, " There is no free lunch. " In addition to entitling me to many privileges I used to be denied, growing up also obligates me to make my own decision....
The decision of a person should be everlasting and beneficial not only to him but for his relatives as well as the people which are related to the life of the person...A real decision should be like that the person should always be proud that what decision I have made in my life... It has changed my whole life....!
Always the executive decisions aren't beneficial for the person,sometimes the decisions causes the failure of the man but indeed he also don't know that his life is changed by his one decision but in future this can be worthy and the precious moment of his life...! 

Saturday 18 June 2011


Justice has very important role in the society. It is the key to a peaceful life without any assistance and interference of  the people and the negative impact in the society...The people in the society can lead a simple life by justice and real justice is a concept which allows people to understand that what is coming towards them...In short a good reap rewards, the bad reap punishment....!
Justice can be broken into three categories, social justice,personal justice and supernatural justice...Justice can also be said to have elements of fairness and restitution, responsibility for one's actions and protection of the future.....!
Justice is a power that is related with the man's personal point of view, a person with Justice have a special and respectful place in the society.... Justice is  natural activity that is to be done with the people. Justice means that to do just with the people and not humiliate people and do fair with  people and not misbehave with the people whether they are poor or rich.. It should not be the matter that how much famous a person is or how much wealth a person have... The real thing should be the justice and the real truth, decision of the person should always be true and it shouldn't care for the personal relations  or personal benefit....!
The life of a person should be away from  evils and the social wickedness. It is a word in which, to every person, has a different meaning. Although "Justice" has a vast list of meanings, it can somewhat be defined. Loosely, it can be defined as “the principal of fairness and the ideal of moral equity.“ Justice is at the center of every debate, involving our criminal justice system because of its vast majority of definitions....
Justice should be applied in every activity of a person's life as it is a precious gift of character for gaining the success and well groomed life....!
Justice should be given to the poor people and they should not be underestimated.... Your kindness, behavior and character which is used should be full of truth and justice as it is a great virtue rewarded from the blue to few people... We should be just and kind in order to keep our society well developed and without discrimination........!

Wednesday 15 June 2011


Man is the central figure of the universe. Knowledge of all kind beneficial to humanity should be acquired with zeal.. Knowledge is light is a common proverb used by our elders.. It is essential for all people living at the present age.. Knowledge garden is a garden whose fragrance ever last...!
Knowledge makes the life of a man perfect and the man can't be refuse able in any place of the world. The person's power can only be guessed by his knowledge and the knowledge shows the personality of a man...
the life of a man is totally changed by the type of knowledge given to that person...Knowledge light lasts forever in this world and from the past centuries up to the future...!
The people whose life is enriched with the glory of knowledge, their spirits can never be dusty by the dust of illiterate people...Knowledge provides the man extraordinary powers which able him to survive in the battlefield of the life...!
Knowledge proves that in any case the man can handle the condition without any disgrace....The knowledge of the man never lets him down in any unforeseen activity. Knowledge saves man from entangling in any undetermined condition.A man with his knowledge can control any stage of life from any mishap as a illiterate person cannot do so.It is the greatest weapon as well as wealth that a person can have...!
Knowledge can save the man from being  drowned in the sea of hardships, in which the illiterate person can drown..!
Knowledge can create such circumstances around man from which the life of a person  The universities made for gaining knowledge drew students and scholars from all regions from East and West who come to learn the great disciplines taught in these universities and schools...!
Hence, knowledge makes the life of a man well disciplined and maintains his status in the society. So, its an hidden treasure and must be attained by every person as a basic need....!

Monday 13 June 2011


It is an common observation that some people make their imaginary world and they are much influenced in their own world that they even don't pay attention towards their real world and for them their dream world is the most important.... They even don't want to come back in original life and that's why these people suffer a lot in their real life.....!
It is a common proverb that DON'T BUILD CASTLES IN THE AIR..... It is a good advise hidden in this proverb we shouldn't live in the dreamworld as it is not real life... The people which don't come out of their world aren't able to face any reality of their life...They became just bounded in their own requirements and their own desires which they want....These people become sluggish and they want that which is their desire....
Their life surrounds only around them... The people, relations all are their own made...They can't bear any interference in their world...
It isn't said that the imaginary world of a person should not exist but a person can, accordingly to the existence of the real world... Imaginary world should have the characteristics which are predictable and the intuitions of the man must be positive and accordingly to the possible conditions of the life....
To think and perform the things which aren't able  in our practical life. The Imaginary World should contain the things which can be done for the welfare or the improvement of the Real World....
Hence, Your dream world will be everlasting and perfect if it is associated with your own real life....Otherwise only staying in your own world unable you to face the matters of your real world....!


Sunday 12 June 2011


What is life??? It often comes to our mind. Many people have given their statements about life like Life is fun… Eat, drink and merry!  And Life is full of joys or Life is full of sorrows etc. But the real definition of life is that a person’s life depends upon himself… His achievements…His aims and his own way to spend life….!
The life of a person starts when he is born. From that moment to the death time all is only the LIFE. At the early stage of life LEARNING process starts that’s life, and then slowly the learning stage becomes practical and people starts applying their knowledge in their LIFE… Then our targets become our life the wealth and the time we give and spend to our target that becomes our LIFE…
Then, the struggle of man for his well groomed life and for the pleasure of himself and his family becomes his LIFE… The next stage is the TIME CONSUMPTION the life of a man and the quality of life of that man depends upon his time…. If man can waste time then, time can also waste man….!
If the time consumption is good then, the LIFE of the man is also good and is always Beneficial for him but if he wastes his time than the life will all be ruined…!A good life of a man is formed from his relatives, family, friends… These people are of much importance in a GOOD life….
And the most important in a man’s life is himself in short the man should not forget that WHAT I AM???? Realizing yourself is the main ART and the Real Life….
Your behavior, style and your character matter a lot in your life… It is all your life that how you talk with friends and gaining something from them or losing your time with them… Your fellows show your character and it affects your life….!
Hence, a good life is that which is characterized by the man‘s all needs and requirements which are real and beneficial to him and the CHARACTER and ATTITUDE which you are showing towards your affectionate….!
According to me that man is good in his Life that is also in his behavior and his sentiments with all… He should know about the self respect of himself and others….!


Thursday 9 June 2011


When it comes to me about my ambition…. I thought that mine is very strong … From childhood the child is taught that set an aim of your life, this is necessary and good for you…. But when it comes to inspiration my own experience is there….!
Everyone in life get a chance and one must avail it but only some people who are lucky reach to their destination… From my early stage of my life I had my best friend the good habit in her was that she was much confident and had full attention on her aim… I was much impressed by her... She always said me that one day I will reach my goal I was quiet sure that she will….
Then, we grew up and due to change type of study we had separate ways but we seldom talk with each other…. I often asked about her aim and she said I will tell you when I will attain that…..!
Many years left and one day she called me and told that she has no more time to live due to a disease…. I met her and asked that what happened to your aim??? About which you were confident…! She said that instead I am to die but I’ll never leave my ambition that is to make is world a land of peace and that will be if everyone will be educated and urbane mannered… I said that now you have only 2 weeks so how will you_____....!
She said that I have laid the foundation now the power of my aim will bring it forward….. I have made ten schools at different places and I am sure that the students from there will rise with the same aim and my ambition will be achieved……
After some days she died but I can never forget her confidence and will power by which not only she achieved her aim but also gave a useful footpath to everyone…..!

Wednesday 8 June 2011


Homeland is one which gives the pleasure to man as a mother’s lap……It is like our own home which has every facility in it….One has spiritual and reliable love for his country without being expressed..!
From my childhood until now I have visited many countries due to the type of job of my father….Have almost visited the half world… In my whole life I have enjoyed a lot in every country…Every country has its own charms and everything provides timely happiness and attractiveness….From beauty of U.A.E to pomp and show of U.S.A …all things are beautiful…India’s poverty to the France glamour….all things are at one place…but the love of the country people for their country are at one place….!
One has natural love for its country….there is not any other compatible of his country…. The outsiders like only the glamour and beauty of their country…but the patriots love their country with all its evils and facilities….!
Wherever the person goes he can’t find the real comfort….He forever prays for the eternal success for his country…he always prays for his country’s prosperity….All the people CAN’T get the real affection besides their country…
My personal experience has proved this to me….Besides of the problems of my country, besides all the evils, I have thought that the freedom which I have here in my homeland that can never be anywhere, in this whole world….!


Tuesday 7 June 2011


Sometimes we are in a condition that can't express our love to loved one....But even we don't know and the other realizes that.....Similarly sweet lines said for the expression of love....! 

*Boy and Girl are walking*

Girl: Hey, do you think that girl is pretty? I do! *Points out pretty girl*

Boy: She’s alright.

Girl: Oh… Okay, how about that one? Shes awsome...

*Points out another girl*

Boy: Haha, that girl’s not pretty or ugly. She’s average.

Girl: Oh… you have really high standards.

Boy: I guess you can say that.

Girl: Okay, fine. Once you see one, must tell me...

Boy: Okay,....

*Boy and Girl walk around some more*

Boy: OH! there is one....

Girl: Really?! Where?!

*Boy puts arm around Girl’s shoulder*

Boy: Right here and said....

The definition of a beautiful girl is one who loves me.....!
