Thursday 9 June 2011


When it comes to me about my ambition…. I thought that mine is very strong … From childhood the child is taught that set an aim of your life, this is necessary and good for you…. But when it comes to inspiration my own experience is there….!
Everyone in life get a chance and one must avail it but only some people who are lucky reach to their destination… From my early stage of my life I had my best friend the good habit in her was that she was much confident and had full attention on her aim… I was much impressed by her... She always said me that one day I will reach my goal I was quiet sure that she will….
Then, we grew up and due to change type of study we had separate ways but we seldom talk with each other…. I often asked about her aim and she said I will tell you when I will attain that…..!
Many years left and one day she called me and told that she has no more time to live due to a disease…. I met her and asked that what happened to your aim??? About which you were confident…! She said that instead I am to die but I’ll never leave my ambition that is to make is world a land of peace and that will be if everyone will be educated and urbane mannered… I said that now you have only 2 weeks so how will you_____....!
She said that I have laid the foundation now the power of my aim will bring it forward….. I have made ten schools at different places and I am sure that the students from there will rise with the same aim and my ambition will be achieved……
After some days she died but I can never forget her confidence and will power by which not only she achieved her aim but also gave a useful footpath to everyone…..!

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