Wednesday 8 June 2011


Homeland is one which gives the pleasure to man as a mother’s lap……It is like our own home which has every facility in it….One has spiritual and reliable love for his country without being expressed..!
From my childhood until now I have visited many countries due to the type of job of my father….Have almost visited the half world… In my whole life I have enjoyed a lot in every country…Every country has its own charms and everything provides timely happiness and attractiveness….From beauty of U.A.E to pomp and show of U.S.A …all things are beautiful…India’s poverty to the France glamour….all things are at one place…but the love of the country people for their country are at one place….!
One has natural love for its country….there is not any other compatible of his country…. The outsiders like only the glamour and beauty of their country…but the patriots love their country with all its evils and facilities….!
Wherever the person goes he can’t find the real comfort….He forever prays for the eternal success for his country…he always prays for his country’s prosperity….All the people CAN’T get the real affection besides their country…
My personal experience has proved this to me….Besides of the problems of my country, besides all the evils, I have thought that the freedom which I have here in my homeland that can never be anywhere, in this whole world….!



  1. Ma'am I hve no wordx for thix superb blog... Everyting tat u wrote ix simply awesome.... our homeland is suffering at a low ebb due to the most respectable n honourable Mr.Zardari urf Dash Dash Dash____.... Bt we hope May Allah Bless our homeland n 1 day it will touch the heightx of Glory...... Insha'Allah...:)

  2. owsum...!!miss gee..!!!really worried ov my country...!!!politicicss always sucks us...!!!EVERY ONE CHEATED..!!BUt hopes are always there..!!AAGE ALLAH KAREEM HAI
