Friday 24 June 2011


Time is a circle, bending back on itself. The world repeats itself, precisely, endlessly.For the most part people don't know they will live their lives over. Traders do not know that they will make the same bargain again and again. Politicians do not know that they will shout from the same lectern an infinite number of times in the cycles of time...!
Parents treasure the first laugh from their child as if they will not here it again. In this world, time is like a floe of water, occasionally displaced by a bit of debris, a passing breeze.
Now and then, some cosmic disturbance will cause a rivulet of time to turn away from the mainstream, to make connection back stream....!
There is a place where times stands still. Rain drops hangs motionless in air. Pendulums of clocks float mid swing,as a traveler approaches this place from any direction, he moves more and more slowly...!
In the world time is circular its people fated to repeat triumph and trial over and over other, men and women tried to capture time which appear as a nightingale in a bell jar, in yet, there isn't other time only frozen moments .... All the visions gently probes the essence of time, the adventure of creativity, the glory of possibility and the beauty of world....!
In this world time is a local phenomenon two clocks close together tick at nearly  the same rate. But clocks separated by distance, tick at different rates the farther apart the more out of step. What holds true for clocks holds true for the rate of heartbeats, the pace of inhales and exhales, the movement of wind in tall grass.In this world time flows  at different speeds in different locations....!
In fact, time is worthless and it neither cares for anyone nor stops for anyone. The privilege and beauty of a person's life is dependable of the consumption of time...!If a man can destroy time so, time as well can destroy man...!

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