Saturday 9 July 2011


Sports and games are much essential for the bodily and mentally health...These activities are in accordance with physical health and fitness. Greek were the first people to introduce Marathon race and many other sports...!
Sports has many great impact on the life of a person and these can help in character building as well as in the practical life of the person.They are no less important than food and fresh water. In developed countries games are essential part of education.They admit boys and girls for necessary training to become future athletes.
It does in fact keep kids off the streets, but it also instills lessons that are essential in the life of a student athlete. Sports play a pivotal role in the makeup of a young athlete, especially in the middle school to high school years where student athletes are much more mature and mentally developed. Where else can a young, impressionable youth learn values like discipline, responsibility, self confidence, sacrifice, and accountability? Television, which may be the most influential tool in the lives of young adults, does not show enough of these qualities, nor is it on the Internet, or radio. Rather it is up to the parents, teachers, sports teams, clubs, and after school programs to help mold, develop, and instill these qualities into the lives of student athletes. I believe in order for this to happen, school sports programs must have a few components in place. The first thing they need is a good core of coaches that understand the great responsibility that is placed upon their shoulders to help shape and prepare these student athletes not only in sports, but in their everyday lives. Yes, I did say coaches, because it is a responsibility that lies on the shoulders of more than one person and it is going to take more than one person to help lead these student athletes to success.
In order to accomplish this it's going to take investment and the most valuable investments are money and time. The more invested, the better the results. I can attest that there is no greater investment than the future of our young student athletes. When these things are in place, I believe student athletes will benefit and the results will be evident not only on the field, but long after they step off of it....!

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