Tuesday 5 July 2011


Unemployment is the major problem among the people of modern era. Every one finds ways and means to live a prosper and well groomed life...but now a days when their is a condition that employment and jobs is not available for every one that's one even with much talent and qualification isn't in a state of being employed.
Its a true fact that in some countries unemployment is increasing day by day due to the growing population, scarcity of resources, lack of professional education and poor economic and social planning.
Government has taken many steps o overcome unemployment in which availability of easy installment loans, formation of industrial and technical institutions. All these are the major requirements for the people of new era....!
Unemployment should be controlled in a country for the better development of a country, unemployment is like a curse in the modern era where every thing has became expensive and a middle class person can't afford the budget without some sources of income.
There are no positive aspects of unemployment and is really bad for the production of the economy. This means that we are wasting our resources because instead of producing goods and services with them we aren’t doing anything with them. But this isn’t the only effect of unemployment, people’s income will also change and it will cause more poverty. Unemployment also reduces the amount of tax paid to the government which means that the government will be loosing money because since less people are working the government is getting less income tax but with whatever money they get they have to pay all the unemployed people and this is how the government gets into a lot of debt.
So, some special attention must have to be given to the miserable conditions of the country otherwise  the conditions can be more serious and it can weaken the chains of the country....!

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