Friday 1 July 2011


A Lonely night has a silent impact on the life of a person. It has nothing in it except the loneliness and the quietness of the dark and hidden illusions and the dark and black sadness....!
Lonely night is a word which explains that how much painful or grieved the condition is. The person using the poetical word is full of sorrows . The heart of that person is empty and quiet as the emptiness and quietness of the night. In lonely night, every moment is the own. The sorrow, happiness or what ever the condition of the heart...
The person has to handle it by its own. The desires that may be not come true or may be that which haven't existed yet, come in the mind of the person...!
As lonely night is itself lonely, So, the loneliness of an alone person is beard only by an alone thing.
Lonely person have to to manage just only himself and his own desires. The person that is alone speaks with his own mind and come to know about himself....
Thus, a lonely indicates the sorrowfulness and the emptiness of the heart of a Alone Person...In such a night a person deals with  HIS own self, and the calmness and peace allows the person to be mentally relaxed...!
A Lonely Night in real has nothing except the dark illusions for some people with the hard miseries or which want to know alone... What They Are....!  

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