Saturday 2 July 2011


The character shows the personality and the nature of a person and it allows a person to know that what is the person from inside....!Character is who we really are. It's what we do when no one is looking. It' s the accumulation of thoughts, values, words and actions. These become the habits that comprise our character. That character determines our destiny.

A person of character thinks right and does right according to core universal values that define the qualities of a good person: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. The CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition calls these the Six Pillars of Character. Whatever we call them, though, our role as character developers is to guide young people's thoughts, words, actions and habits toward these values, which all people share, regardless of other differences.

The family is the primary character-building force in a child's life, and character education is a major family obligation. It's a parent's job to help our kids engage the world with as much trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship as possible. This challenge becomes more manageable by taking a simple approach and involving the full
community in sending a common message about the standards of good character.

A good character simply lead to a good life... The life is without any complications and confusions if your attitude and behavior is good and fascinating towards all people... Hence, a good character matters a  lot in the daily personal as well as in social life. 

Your character makes your respect in the society and among the people and protects you from rudeness and the strict form of life in all conditions.......!

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