Sunday 12 June 2011


What is life??? It often comes to our mind. Many people have given their statements about life like Life is fun… Eat, drink and merry!  And Life is full of joys or Life is full of sorrows etc. But the real definition of life is that a person’s life depends upon himself… His achievements…His aims and his own way to spend life….!
The life of a person starts when he is born. From that moment to the death time all is only the LIFE. At the early stage of life LEARNING process starts that’s life, and then slowly the learning stage becomes practical and people starts applying their knowledge in their LIFE… Then our targets become our life the wealth and the time we give and spend to our target that becomes our LIFE…
Then, the struggle of man for his well groomed life and for the pleasure of himself and his family becomes his LIFE… The next stage is the TIME CONSUMPTION the life of a man and the quality of life of that man depends upon his time…. If man can waste time then, time can also waste man….!
If the time consumption is good then, the LIFE of the man is also good and is always Beneficial for him but if he wastes his time than the life will all be ruined…!A good life of a man is formed from his relatives, family, friends… These people are of much importance in a GOOD life….
And the most important in a man’s life is himself in short the man should not forget that WHAT I AM???? Realizing yourself is the main ART and the Real Life….
Your behavior, style and your character matter a lot in your life… It is all your life that how you talk with friends and gaining something from them or losing your time with them… Your fellows show your character and it affects your life….!
Hence, a good life is that which is characterized by the man‘s all needs and requirements which are real and beneficial to him and the CHARACTER and ATTITUDE which you are showing towards your affectionate….!
According to me that man is good in his Life that is also in his behavior and his sentiments with all… He should know about the self respect of himself and others….!


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