Monday 4 July 2011


Competition now a days is most common in every field and occupation... Every one desires to be the best and tries to be better then the other. In every field from the business to the studies there is a competition among people..!
Competition is like a need in the people of modern era, everyone do the best efforts to come in the front line and bring a golden feather in his cap.Compete with other and to win has ow became the purpose of everyone... People struggle to defeat others and gain the attention of others and to get the charm of every one.
Competition somewhere is necessary but some people at every stage of their life wants a competition if not their mind just set a target to defeat any person and try to be more better than others and they from inside they start being  jealous from their heart and they also not know that what they are doing.
To compete with other is natural habit in many people but to make it your hobby is wrong. Competition can be taken at some places in life but not in every place of life.
Competition at some places is necessary as to differ the talented people from others. Competition can give the talented people more chances for achievements and better development in life.
Some competitions must have to be held to separate the cream from milk...!

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