Monday 30 May 2011

Heart Breaking Love Story" (Must Read)

Boy and a Girl Loved Each Other Very Much.
Unfortunately the Girl Died..

...Boy was Upset so Much;
and He Couldn't Stop his Tears.
He Kept on Crying Day and Night..

Many People gave Sympathy,
but no Argument could Stop His Tears.

One Night He Slept and had a Dream;
He Saw the Girl in Heaven with so many Girls of Her age.
He Felt Relax..

But He Noticed that every Girl was in Fairy Dress;
and had a Lightened Candle in their Hands,
but his GF had a Candle which was not Lightened..!

He asked Her:
"Y Ur Candle is not Lightened?"

She said:
"Whenever I Enlighten My Candle;
Ur Tears fall on it..!
Please Stop Crying..

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