Monday 23 May 2011


A true relation can be realized at the peak points of life…..As a friend in need is a friend indeed similarly any other relation prove it at the time of difficulty….!If at that time a relation is proved so it is everlasting and true….!
Once, a family lived in a small town and there were four people in the family mother, father, two sisters. They were sisters just to say and show in fact the elder one was the real daughter of man but after the death of her mom his father married with another woman she was quiet clever…….
The lady didn’t love the elder girl (Stella) but only gave her love to her own daughter (Rosy)….As both grew up Stella became more and more beautiful but Rosy wasn’t so. Rosy and her mom were jealous and as the lady has already taken the man into her magical circle so he also didn’t took notice of Stella…!
Stella was much depressed and she was fed up of all the tragedies she often wept at night… But when the stage came of their marriage all the boys liked Stella but Rosy was always ignored… Her mother and Rosy decided a dangerous plan for Stella. They decided to kill her by adding poison to her food but her mom was waiting for the right moment…. Rosy became more jealous and started thinking that may be the mother didn’t want to kill her but I will not leave her as well as the parents which love her…
She added poison in the dinner and Stella as usually didn’t have her dinner and her parents ate that poisoned food……Stella besides of all problems always give a good night hug to her parents. At that night she went to their room and saw that her parents were dying and at the last stage of their life….She in emergency called ambulance and take her parents to the hospital and at that stage they realized that their daughter to whom they loved was just fake but to whom they always ignored was their real daughter….!
They kissed and hugged her a lot and realized that true love and relation can only be felt and proved at hard times….!

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