Monday 30 May 2011

Heart Breaking Love Story" (Must Read)

Boy and a Girl Loved Each Other Very Much.
Unfortunately the Girl Died..

...Boy was Upset so Much;
and He Couldn't Stop his Tears.
He Kept on Crying Day and Night..

Many People gave Sympathy,
but no Argument could Stop His Tears.

One Night He Slept and had a Dream;
He Saw the Girl in Heaven with so many Girls of Her age.
He Felt Relax..

But He Noticed that every Girl was in Fairy Dress;
and had a Lightened Candle in their Hands,
but his GF had a Candle which was not Lightened..!

He asked Her:
"Y Ur Candle is not Lightened?"

She said:
"Whenever I Enlighten My Candle;
Ur Tears fall on it..!
Please Stop Crying..

Monday 23 May 2011


A true relation can be realized at the peak points of life…..As a friend in need is a friend indeed similarly any other relation prove it at the time of difficulty….!If at that time a relation is proved so it is everlasting and true….!
Once, a family lived in a small town and there were four people in the family mother, father, two sisters. They were sisters just to say and show in fact the elder one was the real daughter of man but after the death of her mom his father married with another woman she was quiet clever…….
The lady didn’t love the elder girl (Stella) but only gave her love to her own daughter (Rosy)….As both grew up Stella became more and more beautiful but Rosy wasn’t so. Rosy and her mom were jealous and as the lady has already taken the man into her magical circle so he also didn’t took notice of Stella…!
Stella was much depressed and she was fed up of all the tragedies she often wept at night… But when the stage came of their marriage all the boys liked Stella but Rosy was always ignored… Her mother and Rosy decided a dangerous plan for Stella. They decided to kill her by adding poison to her food but her mom was waiting for the right moment…. Rosy became more jealous and started thinking that may be the mother didn’t want to kill her but I will not leave her as well as the parents which love her…
She added poison in the dinner and Stella as usually didn’t have her dinner and her parents ate that poisoned food……Stella besides of all problems always give a good night hug to her parents. At that night she went to their room and saw that her parents were dying and at the last stage of their life….She in emergency called ambulance and take her parents to the hospital and at that stage they realized that their daughter to whom they loved was just fake but to whom they always ignored was their real daughter….!
They kissed and hugged her a lot and realized that true love and relation can only be felt and proved at hard times….!

Saturday 21 May 2011


Sometimes besides of our utmost desire we can’t do anything 4 our fellows or our self…..  The realization of being a friend is great but when we aren’t able to fulfill any desire or any need of friend than we can’t even be happy and the condition can never be forgetful…
Once, all my friends and our teachers decided for a trip to a hill station and all of us got permission except one girl…..As our school trip was going after such a long time so all were exited we forced her a lot but she didn’t agree we talked to our kind teacher she knew all and told me in personal that she has family problems, she wanted to go but her parents doesn’t had much sources…!
I talked the girl and I assured her that I will never tell anyone but she has to come with us I’ll give you trip money….I forced her a lot and she agreed. She became very happy….!
At that day all of us were happy and we started our journey she was sitting with me in the bus and she said to me that` I don’t know why but I am afraid of a unknown fear…’I relaxed her and said that you have travelled first time that’s why you are feeling so. But neither I nor she knew the truth! When we reached there we enjoyed a lot and we were tired we decided to take rest but some of the girls went for visiting she also went. I asked my friend to go and then both of us visited the beautiful sites…Suddenly, she remembered that her camera is left in the camp. She said that you just stay here I am just coming….I agreed.
Suddenly I heard voice of a girl which was crying and was asking for help I ran towards her and saw that girl was drowning in the pool…. She didn’t know to swim even I didn’t…
I assured her that I will catch her up but couldn’t do so. I said her You just wait I am calling teacher but until I reached back she was no more….!
That was the most emotional and worse moment of my life…That was the truth we don’t knew… Till now I am not able to face her parents and I always think WHY I????

Wednesday 11 May 2011


It is often said that our trust and faith should be proper and much strong….it is all the matter of having faith of what you are doing. People are mostly entangled in problems but they seldom get relief of it because sometimes their faith is much strong as their problem!
Similarly once there was a girl she was orphan and she lived in a small house made by a person for such children. The girl was very alone and she had no one with her in the whole but there was still something which helped her I every stage of life…..As she become younger she thought about that whenever have to take any decision in my life someone when I am alone helps me that was only her illusion but as her mind developed she thought of having some extra God gifted powers that never let to happen anything wrong with her….
She made a sketch of a person which helped her in every stage of life and was like her parent, teacher, guider, well wisher…. The girl often discussed many problems in her mind and she got the right answer.
Once, when the girl was grown up and she went for interview in a company then she was surprised to see that the person which she made in her sketch was totally like her boss she was unable to express her feelings…She discussed his thing with the boss and he was a great man he gave her advice that whenever we are alone God is always with us He is the One and only One with man in sorrows and pleasure…
As you are alone but your faith is complete and true so He the MIGHTY will help in every stage but in any form. He can be any PERSON….! Just a faith is required to replenish our heart with our desires and we should first work hard then trust on God…….Then he will help us any case and any form…..! 

Sunday 8 May 2011


Sometimes the people don’t understand what we want to say them doesn’t believe us and at that stage we are totally alone. That’s the hardest stage of life.
Similarly there was a boy and he was totally imaginative and ambitious. He wanted to discover something new in his life. The boy was much experienced in computer. He liked to chat. Once he was chatting with a girl and the girl become his sister. They used to chat daily and the younger girl shared problems to him. He was like her elder brother. He often helped her in studies. There was a good relation in them. But when she didn’t came online for one week as he know her address he went there but was surprised  to see that the girl had died one week ago. The boy was much depressed. But when the parents of the girl know that he was the boy to whom the girl talked they caught him and beat him well. He wasn’t able to understand the whole scene. But his eyes opened when he knew the girl started drug trafficking and it was advised by some boy on the net that talked him. Actually the girl wanted a topic totally change for her essay writing He Just helped her to give her a new topic that was "benefits of drug trafficking" he was unable to say anything. His mind was totally empty. He said to his parents that I just gave her a new idea but her mind was too much little to understand the realities and the words which are used in the routines of daily life She took it serious and destroyed her life…..
The girl by understanding started drug trafficking as to see many benefits but when she was aware of the reality she became very afraid and by the fear of being caught she killed herself……
The boy was much guilt of what he has done and he blamed himself for this mistake he was much dishearted and he always thought that some words sometimes can change the whole life of a person……..!

Monday 2 May 2011

This story is beautifully characterized upon a girl JENNY and a boy MAX…. Both were good friends from their childhood. Both knew each other well. As they grew up they started to convert their friendship to love….
Once when Max realized that Jenny Is much beautiful then all other girls and Jenny realized that Max is different from all other boys both thought of each other for a long time and wanted to admit their love in front of each other they couldn’t get such a silent eve besides their birthdays…..
The mystery was that the birthdays of both were on the same days……. They wanted to express their love on this great event. Jenny collected her all savings but was not enough to give a wonderful gift to her beloved….Only 65$ and Jenny had no other choice except to sell her hairs….. Jenny had long and beautiful hairs in the whole town she decided to cut them off and give Max an expensive gift….She cried a lot after selling her hairs now she had 100$ to give gift to max she knew that Max had a watch but he doesn’t had his chain and that’s why he was unable 2 use it in front of others…. She took all money and 4 Max he bought a beautiful watch chain and on the other side Max which wanted to give Jenny wonderful gift he thought of selling his most precious thing that was his gold watch which was ancient and much unique…..He bought a beautiful set of combs for the long hairs of Jenny….!
Now when they met each other both were shocked the Jenny’s hairs were no more long….Max asked her and she said that for you I have to sale my hairs for the chain of ur watch….But Max’s eyes were full of tears because the watch was no more and he sold it for giving gift to Jenny which was a set of beautiful combs but the hairs were no more……
Both were just silent and couldn’t say anything to each other but their love was proved…!