Welcome to students corner..... Here you can find all the useful things which are related to your studies...!
Read and Enjoy...!

  • Firstly you have to decide that what you want to study and start from where.
  • Then, you have to do is the TIME MANAGEMENT .... As this is the basic problem among many children the doesn't know that how to manage their time and they give max. time only to one subject and for the next one they are tired....
  • For this purpose you can maintain a STUDENT PLANNER, You can write at one side the SUBJECTS and accordingly to your STUDY HOURS you can distribute time equally...
  • Now start from the subject in which you have command and you can save your time from that subject and can give it to the DIFFICULT ONE.
  • You can MARK the difficult things and MUST make a column for every subject and write the difficulties in it...
  • Now you can study more efficiently ...


The best study method you can adopt is by the following steps...
  • Choose a proper place for your study it can be any room or any corner of your house which has proper light and ventilation system...
  • Now remember that the place you are using is lighted if not you can use a table lamp, Don't try to study in the dark if can be harmful for you..
  • Don't study on bed, sofa by this you will be relaxed and when you will be relaxed you can't give proper attention to your study..
  • Use the proper chair and table and sit straight...
  • Must keep all your things which are necessary at one place, so that it will not create a difficulty for you.. 


It is basic problem among many students is that they aren't able to understand many topics without the presence of anyone... These tips will help you to understand any difficult topic without the presence of anyone..!

  • Start reading the whole paragraph or the question by every line.
  • Now, the best learning method is to WRITE, at the starting you will feel it very time consuming but once you develop this habit your writing speed will be enhanced and it will no more be time consuming..
  • But before writing you must have to understand it and for understanding read every line and repeat it in your mother language like URDU or whatever....
  • Now again read it in the same words of the topic in a way that you are teaching someone.
  • Now it's the final stage and you have to write it..
  • You can write one time by copying, second time try yourself and third time you'll got it...!


Best ever students are those pay attention to their study.. Followings are the points to understand a good student...!

Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders of a country and the qualities of the student clearly determine the students’ bright future and carrier path. So, who is a good student? What are the qualities of a good student? Historically, the term ‘student’ referred anyone who learns something. However, the recent definition of a “student” is anyone who attends school, college, or university.
Again, what are the good qualities of a student? Based on my personal experience and research, I list down the qualities of a good student.

(1)   Attitude: Basically, a good student possesses the ability and willingness to learn new subjects even the subjects are not interesting.

(2)   Academic skills: Acquiring academic skills is the most important quality of a good student. Ability to read comprehensively, to write effectively, to speak fluently, and to communicate clearly are the key areas in which a good student must be proficient. Having a good handle in all these areas will make a student to shine in a class.

(3)   Ability: A good student has the ability to apply the results of his or her learning in to a creative way and achieve the goals.

(4)   Self-Discipline: Discipline in managing the time is an important factor that every good student must possess. Often times, delaying the tasks, such as writing assignments, reading text books, etc, may negatively impact the ability of a student to achieve the goals.

(5)   Understanding : A lot of surveys suggest students must understand the concepts rather than just memorizing them. The memorized facts and theories will stay in students’ memory until they leave school, college, or university. Once out of school, the students will totally forget the core concepts that they learned. Therefore, it is essential a good student understand the concepts.