Welcome to kids corner....Here you can find the all you need....! Enjoy kids...!


In old times Pink was a word used to describe the color yellow..
Cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
A cockroach can live many weeks with its head cut off.
A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
At the time of birth the color of eye of every child is blue.
Dolphins when sleeps its one eye is open.
Every person has a unique tongue print
"I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language
Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.
It's impossible to sneeze with your open eyes.
Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
In the bird owl is the only who can see the blue color.
In the mammals elephant is the only one which can't jump.


The growing age of the kids is mainly from 4-12 years and at this age they starts their playing activities and also become school going. So at this stage their body needs nourishment and for this purpose healthy food and nutrition is needed....
These tips will help you in maintaining the balance needs of your child...

  • Milk is one of the basic necessities of the children. It makes them strong and healthy and able them to maintains their body requirement. It should be given daily for the proper growth of the children.
  • Meat should be given in a proper amount to the children to fulfill their body needs that are an important feature of the daily needs. In meat WHITE & RED both types of meats must be used by the changing.
  • Fruits should be given in a proper amount to the children. They make them bodily and mentally active and sharp. At least fruit of the season must be taken regularly.
  • Vegetables dmust be given in a proper and balance diet as they are an important source of energy to the growing children.
  • Egg is the main source of energy for the young’s as well as the elders it should be included in the daily diet to complete our daily needs.
  • Honey is an important and ultimate energy source. One tablespoon of honey must be taken with milk or alone it refreshes your mind.


The boy that is good
Does learn his book well
And if he can't read
Will strive for to spell.....

His school he does love,
And when he is there
For play and for toys
No time can he spare.....

His aim is to learn,
His task is to play
And when he has learned,
He smiles and looks gay....!


I once had a sweet little doll
The prettiest doll in the whole world,
Her cheeks were so pink
Her hairs were curly brown....

But I lost my poor little doll
As I played in the garden one day,
I cried for more than a week
But i couldn't found my doll.....


Mostly some kids have habits that can be downright annoying. Four of the most common ones that children develop and parents complain about are:
  1. nose picking
  2. nail biting
  3. thumb sucking 
  4. hair twirling
Although your child's habits may bother or even worry you, relax. In most cases, a habit is just a phase in the normal developmental process and is not cause for alarm.
HABIT....A habit is a pattern of behavior that's repeated, and the person usually isn't even aware of it. Although kids may be blissfully unaware of a habit, their parents aren't so lucky.And if your little one usually has one hand stuffed in the mouth and the other entwined in the hair, don't be surprised: Habits tend to occur in clusters....
These habits must be controlled in the childhood as if these can destroy the privilege and the self respect of the child in future...!


Parents wish to see their children well mannered and decent. Following methods must be adopted to teach child good habits...!

  • Don't use the stick...
  • Be their focus...
  • Provide multiple means of motivation...
  • Try to be consistent for at least a month...
  • Remember that kids aren't perfect..
  • Join them....
  • Celebrate often...
  • The most important is Teach with Patience...!