Friday 28 October 2011

Could never be mine……

My life was a wreck I was always depressed and out of shape. Today was my first day of school for medical lab tech assistant.
As I walked in the building I was asking the receptionist where my class was being held and then I seen her. She was walking out of class and she smiled at me and asked if I was in medical lab. I said yes.
CI didn’t think much of her at first when I first seen her. All I knew she that she was thin and had a nice smile. As the months went by this girl began to grow on me.
I never even realized that every time I would think about her it would make me feel happy. To me this was weird because I never felt this way about anyone. I guess you can say this girl was my first real crush.
We went out of couple of times to the clubs and all I could do was look at her as thou she was the only person there. We flirted a lot and she made me feel invincible. I felt so happy and I began working out and had zero fear of anything it felt great.
I was in a bad situation and shouldn’t of gotten involved with her because she had a BF. I then began to feel the pain when she knew that what we both were doing was wrong and stop looking at me the way she once did. She chose her BF over me and I was crushed by it. I then went back into my depression and felt hopeless. It’s been 2 years since I last seen her in person and yet I cant get her outta my mind. I know it sounds wrong but I am waiting for her to break up so I can be with her. I just want her to be happy even if it’s not with me. I am now a Christian and God has given me a new insight of happiness. I am writing this to be done with it. I can’t let this hold me back any longer. If I ever do meeting her again I will let you know. Good day..