Wednesday 27 April 2011

Image posted by Saima Jillani

Tuesday 26 April 2011


The Last Night.
The last night was the horrible in my whole life….I was alone in my house I was sitting in my room at about 11.30 and was preparing for my test….. Suddenly the blue changed to black the luminous light of moon which was coming to my room suddenly was buried…….I thought that may be the clouds have surrounded the moon but there was nothing like that. I go to my window and stand over there for much time…. I was unable to understand what was happening….. The moon light was not coming to my room instead the moon was shining fully…. When I looked up at the moon I looked liked to be compacted to a rind…
It was much tragic and confusing scene. It looked liked as an invisible wall around my house….as I was alone so I couldn’t say anything to anybody.
By gathering a lot of courage I decided to go out and see what’s happening. When I opened my main gate I saw a man which was whiting his knife and was staring hard to me….he was coming near to me and I just picked up a stone and threw towards him but it bounced back and fell near the mail box next to me…. I was really afraid and due to fear I fell down and when I opened my eye I was in a cemetery near a grave and that man was standing near me I was unable to accept the whole seen…. Then suddenly he came near me and threw me in the grave and I was asking for help…..
But I next I opened my eyes I was in my room on my bed safe and sound….. It was daytime and everything was okay….but I was shocked to see that the stone was still near the mailbox…..
I can never realize was it true or my imagination…….!